Canon 5d mark iii vs 6d wedding photography
Canon 5d mark iii vs 6d wedding photography

canon 5d mark iii vs 6d wedding photography

Now…fast forward a few years from that initial purchase into the beginning of 2019. This purchase represented in our brand much courage to put our money where our mouths were. Our investment into the Canon 5D Mark III ended up being worth every penny.

canon 5d mark iii vs 6d wedding photography

The Mark III was an appealing camera when we initially purchased it (for $4,000…) as it seemed to be the one so many other wedding photographers were using – the wedding industry being the area of photography we wanted to get into, but couldn’t support getting into with just consumer level equipment. You may need to read that sentence over again… The quality of the Canon 5D Mark III has finally come to a nice intersection with the cost of the 5D Mark III. It was practically ancient then, and now it’s even older! Still – it holds up as we still use it to take great photos!! Why is it Still a Good Time to Buy the Canon 5D Mark III? We picked ours up over 3 years ago in January 2016. In fact, it came out in 2012! That is a whopping 7 years ago. The Mark III is fairly old at this point. Our focus here we will be to look at this camera is an authentic way, discussing both it’s pros and cons, and showing you how you can use it to take better photos yourself. Now, you should know, it’s not the newest camera model, but the key features are very similar to the newer Canon 5D Mark IV. In this article, you can read our review of the Canon 5D Mark III after our long time of use.

canon 5d mark iii vs 6d wedding photography

After more than 4 years of consistent use, we’ve come to the conclusion that just about every photographer should have a DSLR camera body like this.


The short answer is: Yes it is! The Canon 5D Mark III was our first professional camera body.

Canon 5d mark iii vs 6d wedding photography